Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 6

Person and assistive technology device match is an individual process

Just as has been mentioned here before, matching a person with assistive technology is an extremely personal and individual choice. Along with it being a choice as to what technology they prefer, it is an individual process to decide what technology they will need. Every person has very different needs and participate in very different situations that they need assistance with.

As is mentioned in Curry’s Universal Design Accessibility for All Learners, different students need different technology to allow them to function best. In the article there is the example of the student with cerebral palsy who uses augmentative communication and switch-scanning equipment in class but Curry points out that different students might prefer different items for the same tasks. For this student with cerebral palsy it was an individual choice and process that matched her up with her chosen technology.

The Institute for Matching Person & Technology is located in Webster, NY and it uses a process called Matching Person & Technology (MPT), which matches users and assistive technology. ( Through out their process they consider the environment and needs of the user to determine the technology that they will need. The process includes different tests and questions for the future users and is designed for persons over 15 years of age. They also have methods for those who are younger than 15 to match them with technology. With a process like MPT, users needs can be viewed holistically and the best technology for them can be found. Without processes like this one, users might not be able to view technology on such a personal level and may not get devices that truly fit their needs. In order to have a piece of technology that will be used continuously and to its fullest extent the process of matching users to it, needs to be personal. There are not one size fits all solutions when it comes to AT and believing that there is would be extremely detrimental to all.

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